Friday, December 18, 2009

Digg Dialogg: Interviews with People at the Top of their Field

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Digg Dialogg
Catch the latest Digg Dialogg videos

Director Peter Jackson & NFL star Adrian Peterson answer your questions!
Whether you're interested in films or football – or hopefully for this month, both – Digg Dialogg gives you access to some of the world's most interesting people. And this month, we're bringing you exclusive interviews with two guys at the top of their game.

We sat down with Academy Award-winning director Peter Jackson & Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson and they tackled your top questions.
Digg Dialogg with Peter Jackson Digg Dialogg with Adrian Peterson
After you watch the videos – or heck, before – we'd love it if you'd take a quick (6 question) survey on Digg Dialogg. We're constantly trying to improve the program and interview people you'd most like to hear from, so your feedback is incredibly helpful.

Take 2 Minutes to Help Improve Digg Dialogg

You can also send any feedback you have about Dialogg directly to


The Digg Team
What's a
Digg Dialogg?
You submit and vote on the questions you want to see answered. The most popular ones are asked during the video interview. It's like having an all-access pass to some of the most prominent people in the world!
Check out previous
Digg Dialoggs:
Oct 27, 2009
Watch the Dialogg
Sep 11, 2009
Watch the Dialogg
May 27, 2009
Watch the Dialogg
Nov 6, 2008
Watch the Dialogg
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Friday, December 11, 2009

Free shipping now at the Digg Shop!

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Get your holiday shopping done at

Free Shipping on all orders until December 24th, 2009 - use "DIGGSHIP" during checkout

Digg Store
Just in time for those chilly days, we've added scarves, mittens and a fleece blanket to our always-growing roster of Digg gear over at the Digg Shop. Of course, once you're out of the elements you'll need a place to stash your mittens, and the Digg-branded Timbuk2 Messenger bag is just the right size.

Have a hard-to-shop-for Digger on your list this holiday season? Wrap up a hoodie or Digg T-shirt for 'em and they'll be stoked (and, we'll pick up the shipping).

Free Shipping through Dec. 24th!

Digg hoodie
Ssshhh - don't tell anyone, but if you enter the promo code DIGGSHIP during the checkout process, we'll pick up the tab on your shipping costs (through December 24, 2009).

Digg on!

The Digg Team

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San Francisco, CA 94107

Friday, November 13, 2009

Digg Feature Update: Digg Trends & DiggTV are now live

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Hi zackdigg,

We recently launched a few new features here on Digg, and wanted to let you know to check them out.

Digg Trends is now live

Digg Trends is a new feature on Digg that highlights active upcoming stories that haven't yet hit the homepage. The concept is simple: stories that have received a lot of activity in a short period of time (Diggs, comments, etc.) will now appear in a special section at the top of the homepage for ten minutes. You can then Digg or bury the story, and depending on your vote recorded within those ten minutes, the story will either become popular or not. Here's what it looks like in action:

We've also set up a Twitter account - @digg_trends - to alert you when a Digg Trend is up for voting on the homepage.

Digg Trends only happen a few times a day, so be sure to login to Digg regularly so you can weigh in.
The Big Turn On: Announcing DiggTV
We know a lot of the Digg users are also huge fans of shows like Diggnation and The Digg Reel, so we've recently launched a place for you to catch all of your favorite Digg shows.

What's on?

Diggnation: Hosted by Alex Albrecht and Kevin Rose, Diggnation is a beer-fueled tech/web culture show dedicated to the discussion of the top stories on Digg, whether it's the latest flame wars or thoughts on time travel.

The Digg Reel: Host Andrew Bancroft features the funniest, coolest, & most controversial Digg videos of the week.

Digg Dialogg: You ask, we listen. Submit questions to fascinating luminaries like Matt Damon, Trent Reznor, Sir Richard Branson and we ask the top ones during the video interview.

You'll also find Digg Townhalls, videos from our Meetups and more. Be sure to check it all out at

As with all of our features, we'd love to know what you think, so feel free to drop us a line and give us your feedback & suggestions.


The Digg Team

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